Lost on Fliders Lane, Baby Passport Photo.

This mouths Zine is online ready to download & will be in stores within the week all going well. Thanks a again for all the positive emails & projects.
The Link to BY&M Zine Vol:3
Oh before I forget BY&M is now doing some Twittering so pop by and follow us there to.
The Link to BY&M on Twitter

"Between you & me, Cold days at beach = Happiness"

"Between you & me, Feeding seagulls at the beach is a classic childhood memory :) "
On June 6th, The Sticky Shop & BY&M meet in store at noon to handed out Post-its & Pens, for the people to hit the streets of Melbourne, Photos below & more to come.
Feel free to start a Post-It note day in your Town/City, Drop us a line when you do.
" Between You & Me, She grows up to vote Liberal "
"Between you & me, Your wife loves you."
Bourke St Tram stop Post-its are as following :
- 'Between you and me I think it's easier to be ignorant'
- 'Between you & me I really need to get my eyes tested.'
- 'Between you + me I NEED coffee.'
- 'Between you & me I'm not how long this will last.'
- 'Between you & me we've been sticking post-its for an hour.'
- 'Between you & me, I'd be better off walking.'
- 'Between you & me, I'm never going to learn to stand up straight.'
- 'Between you and me I'm running out of inspiration.'
- 'Between you & me, sometimes I don't know if I'm running away or running towards something.'
- 'Between you & me your pants are really nice.'
- 'Between you and me I am nervous about my career choice.'
- 'Between you & me I want to believe in something better, something bigger, something more, but the world keeps disappointing me.'
- 'Between you & me people who are rude on public transport just want a hug.'
- 'Between you & me I hate you if you walk SLOWLY.'
- 'Between you & me Tim Freedman is a jerk who uses women 20 years his junior.'
- 'Between you & me I believe H1N1 is A1!'
- 'Between you & me I'd rather spend time with my cat than most people.'
- 'Between you & me, I have a weakness for nice stationery.'
- 'Between you and me I would choose you.'
- 'Between you & me I'm tired of HIPSTERS.'
- 'Between you and me I wish you could tell me your secrets.'
- 'Between you and me I wish Connex would go under.'
- 'Between you and me, when I was a kid I thought i was a cat.'
- 'Between you & me, I can't stand avacados, snails, & posers - they're all too slimy.'

"Between you & me, I can't get facebook on this!"

"Between you & me, My shoes squeak like they are stolen"

"Between you & me, I don't like dancing, but I will with you."
The Post-its above by Jason.

Between you & me, These laneways always smell like death."

"Between you & me.. My words fail me more often than I'd like."

"Between you & me, We stood in the laneway"
The 3 Post-Its above were done by (Click this Link)
The Facebook Link for more info.

"Between you & me, Open 1hr a day 5 days a week.. wow living the dream!"
2nd hand camera store - Melbourne City