Below is a list of creative projects you can take part in. Simply send a link, photo or video file to or in the Drop Box on the main blog page. You don’t have to include your name, but please tell us the City/Town/Village that you made the art work in and the date it was done. If you take part in Post It then please let us know what was written on the note.
Get a post-it note and put the following heading at the top "Between You & Me" followed but what ever is on ones mind at that giving time of the day. It can be anything! Just as long as you put the head at the top, then place it in a public place. Train, Bus Stop, Cafe and then take a photo and walk away.
An American Beauty Moment :
This is a video project, film a moment in life that is just so simple and beautiful that you want to Shear it with Me and others. files no bigger than 10mb, thanks
Talk In Song :
Video yourself talking in song, Its that simple, find a track that has lyrics that grab you. It can be rock, pop, hip hop, jazz anything then speck the lyrics to camera like your talking to a friend, family or loved one. When emailing Me the file please no bigger than 10mb and list the song credits, Performer and track name.
Things Are Looking Up :
This is a photo/video project, look up into the sky if you see something that jumps out at you snap a shot of or film it for us to see, the idea in this project is for us to take a min in your crazy days to stop and look up, to feel like a change for good is going to come.
A Mixtape Response :
All you have to do is make one side of a mix tape, label it with the Date, Between You & Me and a word or two that best describe the feeling. When finished that one side of the mix tape, post or give it to the someone you made it for. From there it's really up to them, that's where the name Mixtape Response comes from. Either they could keep the tape, or create the second side and send it back to you, or they could send it on to someone else. Please take a photo of the tape attached with the date it was taken/made and a vague tracklist, or some idea of what's on the tape.
Package/Parcel Without Intention to Post : (c)"thanksMEDIA"08 Idea
This project is a photo project, Take a photo of a said Item you never posted but may have wanted to, then note why it was never sent then email us the details, It could be anything from a birthday gift to letter.
Putting the Art in Heart :
This is a real hands on project, You take something from your life that made you feel dark,down or sad and turn that into a peace of art, It could be the things someone said to you turned into a song the hate mail you have got painted over and turned into a fun painting, Or a little video of joy, Email us the details when your done.
They Don't Make Them Like That Anymore (T.D.M.T.L.T.A.) :
This is to easy, take a video or photo of something classic, something that just don't make anymore but brings you no end of joy, send me the info when you find that little thresher.
Week to Week
This is a photo project, there are 4 weeks in a mouth so take a photo for each week giving you 4 photos that best represent your weeks and mouth, then send the photos to us and we will posted them.
So more projects will be posted as they come to Me. If you have any ideas feel free to give input as "thanksMEDIA" has. Please all art works must be yours no stealing from others.
Contact Me at :
Thank You for your time.
1 comment:
What a great idea... will try some of these!
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