"Between you & me, . . . I Want to make your dreams come true"
(Random post it note found on the street)
"Thank you post man for collecting our mail ALL year especially over Christmas. Parley Street Residents"
"Between Me & You.. (Typo intended) My mind & time has been taken me away from this fun project.. What I have to do now is give more time & focus :)"
Between you and me, This looks like the spaceman on Swanston st.
More Le Chica Post-its HERE
“ Between You & Me, I love you very very much! “
"between you and me there are too many people on this planet"For more amazing Post-its from Singapore click HERE
"Between you & me, I hope they never replace real postage stamps for those computer print out ones.ever. "
More post-its from this Blogger chick HERE

Post its on another blog.

"Between you & me, I never say what I mean or mean what I say in bars"

"Between you & me, I've got a secret crush on Tony Abbott"
"Between you & me, is an awful lot"
This months BY&M Zine pdf file is now online to view or download at the following link BY&M Zine Vol:4, Thanks again to you all for your on going support of this project.

(Anonymous photo dropped in drop box)

"Between you & me, Do you work to live or live to work.. If so Why? Why do both, Why can't we just live without work!!"
Lost on Fliders Lane, Baby Passport Photo.